Four Exchanges (pt 2)
Jul 15 2012 Filed in: Romans
Romans 1:28-32 Continuing the lesson from last week, we consider a couple more points on homosexuality and the third wrath of God revealed against man's rebellion. Is homosexuality the end result of man's depravity? How do those who reinterpret this passage prove Paul's point? What play on words does Paul use to emphasize how God's third wrath is appropriate for what man has done with the knowledge of God? What is Paul trying to say by his list of twenty one vices? How do we know that men know that their sin deserves death? What is the end extent of man's depravity? What is the "fourth exchange," and how does that answer our condition? (59 min)
Four Exchanges (pt 1)
Jul 08 2012 Filed in: Romans
Romans 1:22-27 The verses we look at in this study reveal the progression of man's rebellion against God, and God's response to that rebellion. What happens in the mind of the person who refuses to acknowledge the God revealed in creation? What are the three exchanges that such people make, and what are God's responses to those exchanges? With what did man replace the glory of the true God? What does Paul mean by his thrice repeated statement that "God gave them over?" How does the desire mentioned in God's first judgment differ from the desire mentioned in his second judgment? How do people who favor homosexual tolerance view this passage? What does Paul mean by his use of the word "natural?" How should one view homosexual desire as opposed to homosexual behavior? (63 min)
Welcome To Sodom
May 30 2010 Filed in: Genesis Study | Abraham
Genesis 19:1-11 The two angelic visitors arrive at the gate of the city of Sodom. They are greeted there by Abraham’s nephew, Lot. What were the real problems with Sodom and her sister cities? Lot, the Righteous? What is the significance of Lot sitting in the city gate? This is the beginning of the most terrible night in Lot’s life. How did he arrive at this point, having begun by following the promise in Abraham? What do we do when we’re left with no good choices?