East to Shinar

Genesis 11:1-9 More than a story about the beginning of multiple languages, this is a turning point in redemptive history. Why does God confuse the languages? The symbolism of east in Scripture.

Table of Nations

Genesis 10 God gave the Table of Nations to us for a reason. Why is Israel not in the Table of Nations? Why did God put the nations where He did? Do we have a responsibility to these many nations? Who is this man Nimrod?

Sins Of The Fathers

Genesis 9:8-28 God establishes a covenant with Noah and all living creatures. The purpose of the rainbow. Who is reminded by this sign in the sky? The sign of Communion. Noah’s failure and its affect on his son Ham.

Starting Over

Genesis 9:1-8 God blesses Noah and his descendants, as he did with Adam and Eve. He grants permission for mankind to eat meat, nevertheless the value of life is strongly emphasized. A new dispensation or administration. The Image of God.