The King's Wedding (2)

Psalm 45:10-11 In this abbreviated lesson we continued our study of Psalm 45 about the King's Wedding. In the portion we looked at in this section the psalmist shifts our thoughts to the King's new bride. What were the ancient Jewish weddings like, particularly in the case of the wedding of a king? Who does the bride represent? What does the psalmist do to stress the importance of what he has to say to the bride? What has been a condition of being joined to God throughout Scripture? As the bride approaches the King in the palace, what is the first gesture she is called to make, and why? (34 min.)

The King's Wedding (1)

Psalm 45:1-9 In this lesson we began looking at a psalm celebrating the wedding of the King. What is different about interpreting the Psalms from other portions of Scripture? What are some of the literary devices we encounter when we read the Psalms? What are the two main divisions of this psalm? What has the psalmist been meditating upon that has so filled his heart? Why do we believe that this is a messianic psalm? How does the True King of Israel differ from all others? What are the two contrasting features of the King which are praised in this psalm? How does the psalmist characterize the King's throne? How does the psalmist convey the beauty and splendor of the King's environment and His court? To whom are we introduced at the conclusion of this section of the psalm? (69 min)


Changes Ahead In this message Rick shares things that God has been doing in his own life and has been teaching him over the past several years. Meanwhile, the Lord has also been leading the church leadership to establish a one year repeating Campus Group pertaining to apologetics and related issues. They have asked Rick to lead this project. Rick shares how the Lord has led him in his own experience to agree to take this position for at least the first year. Of course this entails big changes for our Berean class as we move forward. Rick challenges class members to be seeking the Lord regarding their own lives and what He desires of the class as he moves on to another ministry. (65 min)


Romans 16:21-27 In this final lesson from Paul's epistle to the church in Rome, we considered those who were sending greetings to the believers in Rome, and then contemplated the doxology at the end of the letter. Why was Timothy so dear to Paul? What was outstanding about this young man? Who was Tertius? What are some of the difficulties presented by the doxology at the end of Romans 16? How can we resolve those difficulties? What is Paul's primary point that he sets out to make in the doxology? What is the measure and means by which we are established in the faith? What is the Gospel? What are three things we learn about the Gospel in this doxology? What will be a subject of our glorifying of God throughout the eons of eternity? (57 min.)