

Here is a list of links and resources (in no particular order) that you may find helpful in your Christian growth

To view a document, simply click on the link. To download a document, right click or control click (Mac) on the link, then select the download option from the menu.

Materials for our class:

• A handout presenting the arguments supporting the two primary views of Romans 7:14-26 may be viewed or downloaded

• A handout comparing the man of Romans 7 with the believer of Romans 6 and 8 may be viewed or downloaded

• For our Romans study, you may download two lesson sheets that may be helpful you get an overview of this book.
Romans Overview Study Sheet (1)
Romans Overview Study Sheet (2)

• In lesson #10 Rick handed out a sheet listing Paul’s use of the word “law” in Romans.
Use Of Law In Romans

Other Resources From Rick Harvey:

Naturalism is the view of our universe that the material/physical universe is all there is. It claims that there is no spiritual dimension either to the universe or to human beings. It is the default worldview of atheism, but aspects of this view are also held by many people who believe in God or hold to other spiritual views. Naturalism has a long history, and has profoundly influenced the way the Western world thinks about many things and how we do things such as educate our young, how we view science, and make and enforce our laws. Perhaps most profoundly, it makes bold claims about what it means to be human. To understand our world today, one needs to understand naturalism. This worldview is closely examined by Rick Harvey in a paper he presented at two meetings in February 2013 to his Rountable group. The paper is entitled
Only A Universe Or A World Too? The paper is available to view or download here. Also available are the two précis which are the summaries of the paper which constituted the actual presentations which he made.
Only A Universe Or A World Too?, paper on Naturalism.
(56 pgs)
Précis on Naturalism (part 1) (7 pgs)
Précis on Naturalism (part 2) (6 pgs)

The Problem of Evil:
Have you ever struggled with questions about evil and suffering? Where did evil come from? Did God create evil or intend for there to be evil in the world? What about the skeptic’s charge that an all-powerful and all-good God would never have allowed evil to exist? What possible purposes, if any, are there for evil? Why are there all the “natural” evils in the world, like natural disasters, plagues, etc? How can we help a person with the overwhelming emotional struggle that comes with the experience of evil and suffering? Does God have an “end game” for evil? How is it that God is morally free, yet he cannot sin? These are all questions Rick Harvey addressed recently in a couple of Roundtable meetings. His paper,
As Sparks Fly Upward, is available to view or download here. If you wish to read his actual presentations, they are available in the two précis linked below.
As Sparks Fly Upward, paper on the problem of evil.
(56 pgs)
Précis on Evil (part 1) (7 pgs)
Précis on Evil (part 2) (6 pgs)

New Age and Monism:
A pervasive spiritual influence within our Western culture is the phenomenon of the New Age and its philosophical foundation of monism. It permeates virtually all aspects of modern society from politics to education, from entertainment to psychology, from anthropology to religion. What exactly is the New Age, how did it come about, and where is it headed? How is the Christian to understand and respond to it? These are questions addressed in Rick Harvey’s Roundtable presentation entitled
Old Heresies In A New Age. His paper on which his presentation was based may be viewed or downloaded below. A summary of the paper is available in the précis also available below.
Old Heresies In A New Age, paper on the New Age and monism. (64 pgs)
Précis on the New Age (7 pgs)

Christians and the Environment:
How should a Christian approach issues related to the earth’s environment and ecology? Actually, there is a great deal in Scripture to form the believer’s approach to these issues. Rick Harvey has presented two papers in his Round Table group on this subject. You can access them here, along with a supplement to the second paper.
A Christian Ethic of Ecology, (wk 1)
A Christian Ethic of Ecology, (wk 2), Assorted Questions
A Christian Ethic of Ecology, Supplement, “Revisiting An Inconvenient Truth

Chart of the structure of the
book of Genesis by toledots.
Chart of the genealogical line from
Shem to Abraham.
Chart of
Jacob’s children by his wives and concubines.

Other Resources:
An important message for all Christian men:
Dr. Steve Price, an emergency room physician in Kansas City, Missouri, and an elder/pastor in his home church, addresses a group of men at Ozark Family Camp in Missouri on July 31, 2012 on the subject of A Man After God’s Heart: David and Bathsheba. (Approximately 1 hour)

Trinity Baptist Church’s
website. Find out more about our church.

Trinity Baptist Church’s
reading lists. There are two lists: Tier One provides you with basic Christian and Bible reading and study resources, whereas Tier Two provides more advanced material

The Wilberforce Initiative is a ministry designed to Engage the culture with the truth of the Gospel, to Educate the public on cultural issues with a biblical perspective, to Expose the errors and consequences of world views that are not biblically centered, to Encourage other believers and churches to stand for truth, to Energize Christian action and boldness, and to Evangelize the culture by engaging and answering cultural and social issues.

Net Bible. This is a great resource with lots of features to explore. Have you ever been sitting at your computer and wanted to look at a verse or passage from the Bible? Ever need the meaning of the Greek or Hebrew word that is used in a verse you’re studying? Do you need a daily Bible reading chart to help discipline your Bible reading? That and much more is available, free, and online at NetBible.org.

NetHymnal.org. This is the number one hymn site on the web, featuring over 10,000 Christian hymns, author bios, composer biographies, hymn histories, and gospel songs from many denominations. You’ll find lyrics, scores, MIDI files, pictures, history, and more. If you’ve ever tried to remember the words to a hymn you’ve known in the past, or forgotten just how the tune went, you can get it here. It is all provided free as a public service.

Plugged In Online. Ever wonder if a particular movie you are considering will be worthwhile, or if it will be suitable for your children or grandchildren to watch with you? Focus on the Family’s web site, Plugged In Online is a great resource with carefully done reviews of all sorts of movies and other popular entertainment.

Ronnie’s Blog. Our pastor, Ronnie Rogers, has a wealth of insight on biblical and cultural issues that he shares regularly on his Blog. Check it out.

Abortion survivor
Gianna Jessen delivers a powerful 16 minute talk about her birth, her life, and the tragedy of abortion.

Apologetics is the science or practice of finding and giving a reasoned defense for your Christian faith. It can involve a wide range of subjects and categories, from scientific and philosophical issues to answering other world religions, or countering the claims of Christian-like cults. Here are just a handful of web sites which provide a variety of resources to assist you in strengthening and defending your faith:

Stand to Reason is a ministry seeking to equip Christians in the skills of presenting their faith with grace and intellectual force.

The Watchman Fellowship is a ministry focused on answering the claims and teaching of religious cults and aberrant religions.

Probe Ministries seeks to assist Christians with Biblically sound scholarship on a broad range of issues related to our faith and culture.

The Discovery Institute addresses a wide range of issues related to science and culture. Of special interest is the work they do in promoting and presenting the science of Intelligent Design.

The Problem of Evil. Here is a page of great audios by Dr. William Lane Craig, professor of philosophy at the Talbot School of Theology at Biola University. Dr. Craig addresses one of the most difficult problems for both Christians and non-Christians alike: The Problem of Evil. There are five audios totaling about 45 minutes.