The Stumbling Stone
Aug 18 2013 Filed in: Romans
Romans 9:27-33 In our previous lesson we discovered that God freely chose to call the Gentiles, who were not his people, his people. In today's lesson we find that in contrast only a few Jews, only a remnant, are among the people of God. This is the conclusion of the point Paul made in the early part of the chapter about not all the descendants of Abraham being true Israel. Is this point of Paul's something new, or does he have biblical warrant for his argument? What is the significance of Paul's use of the Greek word for seed? If God had not left such a seed, what would have happened? Paul begins to tell us now what it is that defines this remnant, as well as what constitutes the true people of God. How does Paul contrast the Gentile and Jewish approach to righteousness? What is important about the words "pursue" and "attain?" How did Gentiles attain righteousness? What hindered the majority of Israel from attaining righteousness? Why is the stone of Romans 9, I Peter 2, and Isaiah a stumbling block to some, but precious to others? What is the promise to those who believe in the stone? (59 min)