Places Of Our Lives

Genesis 21:22-34 Abraham has another encounter with Abimelech, the King of Gerar. How does this account advance the narrative of Abraham's life? Once again we see the importance of the idea of covenant. By the end of this passage Abraham has two tangible seals of God's promises to him, a small child and a hole in the ground. We reflect on the crucial places in Abraham's walk with God, and on the importance of place in his and our stories. What of the places in your life?

A Nation's Sin?

Genesis 20:8-18 So, exactly what did Abimelech do wrong? What was his sin? Abimelech considers the sin into which he's fallen to also be the sin of his kingdom. What is this thing about national sin? What ought to be our response to the sins of our nation and our leaders? Abraham's troubles here began with his prejudice. What is the nature of prejudice, and what forms does it take in our lives? How is Abraham like the Church?

But God...

Genesis 20:1-7 Our story returns now to Abraham, and we contemplate the significance of his travels to the Negev and on to Gerar. But Abraham, like us, is prone to compartmentalize his life. Why does he say that his wife is his sister? This has happened before, but how often have Abraham and Sarah carried out this deception? We learn an important new lesson about Abraham’s love and reverence for God when we consider a fear that has dogged him since he left Haran. We see what an awful mess Abraham has made of God’s promise, with no way to set things right. But God…